Fast Fault Detection – Profitable Regardlessof How You Calculate

Distribution Grid Automation with Fault Detectors

Fault Detection in Radial Feeders using IPS Light or IPS2

Local Fault Indication

In radial networks without communication, local indication can be employed to find the fault. The detectors indicate a fault current using a local LED (flashing LED; red or green). The stations “upstream the fault” are flashing red, while those “downstream the fault” flash green. The repair personnel can thereby easily and fast localize the fault on the cable.
Protrol IPS2 IPS Light Lokal Feldetektering1Protrol IPS2 IPS Light Lokal Feldetektering1
Protrol lokal indikering av fel
Protrol indikering av fel med IPS Light eller IPS2

Fault Detector and RTU for Stations with Communication

RTU Function for IEC 60870-5-101/104

Så fort kommunikation finns tillgänglig via standardprotokollen
​​​​​​​IEC 60870-5-101 eller -104 är det möjligt att skicka feldetektorns indikeringar till driftcentralen.

Med en uppkopplad nätstation finns det även möjlighet att samla in indikeringar från frånskiljare/effektbrytare, och en IPC har utgångar som direkt kan styra dessa apparater. För en låg tilläggskostnad har man en helt fjärrstyrd nätstation!
Protrol Felindikering med IPC1Protrol Felindikering med IPC1
Protrol Indikering av fel med IPC
Protrol indikering av fel med IPC

Selective Disconnection of Faults in Radial Networks using IPS2 (or IPC401x)

Time Selective Disconnection of Faults

Detta är en typisk situation vid radiella nät. The secondary substations are supplied with fault detectors of type IPS2, where the fault indication can be shown visually (flashing LED) or with closing contact (or both).

In strategically selected stations with circuit breakers,
IPS2 can disconnect downstream faults.

The diagram to the right illustrates when the different IPS2 units operate (in this case with time selectivity). Note that with a pre-charged spring you need no auxiliary power at the secondary substation. IPS2 has a backup via super capacitors or external batteries, and the trip relay uses 230 VAC from the low voltage side of the transformer.
Protrol Selektiv felbortkoppling IPS2 IPC401x1Protrol Selektiv felbortkoppling IPS2 IPC401x1
Protrol selektiv felbortkoppling
Protrol selektiv felbortkoppling

Fully Automatic Fault Disconnection and Power Restoration

"Bright" Power Restoration

Option for IPC4011
When a fault occurs in the loop, the respective IPC unit will send information if the fault has passed (earth fault or overcurrent), both to the dispatch centre via remote protocol and to the nearest IPC unit. This enables automatic power restoration within 200 ms, i.e., so fast that the protection relay in the feeding substation will not operate. The customers will experience only a very short voltage dip (< 0.2 s).

Protrol Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering ljus automationProtrol Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering ljus automation
Protrol automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering
Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering ljus automation
Protrol Automatisk felbortkoppling omsektionering utg radial1Protrol Automatisk felbortkoppling omsektionering utg radial1
Protrol Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering utgående radial
Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering utgående radial
At faults downstream the radial feeder (top right), IPS2 will trip the outgoing feeder and block the automatic power restoration of the loop.

Automatic Fault Disconnection and Power Restoration also Works with Disconnectors

"Dark" Power Restoration

Option for IPC4010 and IPC4011
Function similar to "Bright" Power Restoration (see previous example). In this application disconnectors are used instead of circuit breakers, requiring that fault disconnection and power restoration is made when the loop is disconnected from the distribution substation.

Protrol IPC4010 automatisk felbortkopplingProtrol IPC4010 automatisk felbortkoppling
Protrol IPC4010 automatisk felbortkoppling
Automatisk felbortkoppling och omsektionering mörk automation

Power Restoration Products

IPC4011 with Power Restoration 101131-002
An IPC4011 is required in every secondary substation where there is a need to detect earth faults or short circuits. Circuit breakers are not needed in each seconary substation where detection is desired, it is possible to configure the detector so that does not participate in the power restoration sequence.

IPC4011 can be configurered for "Bright" or "Dark" type of power restoration.
Protrol IPC4011Protrol IPC4011
Protrol IPC4011 för ljus automation
Protrol IPC4011 för ljus automation - automatisk felbortkoppling
Protrol OTR automationProtrol OTR automation
Protrol OTR
Fiberoptiskt modem för single-mode-fiber

OTR 404510
OTR is a fiber optic modem for single mode fiber and is used to close the optical fiber loop that connects the IPC4011 units. It can be connected to a signal cable for communication with the control center. See also picture above.

IPC4010 with Power Restoration 101130-002